About Us
Midwest Family Connections provides programs and services for families and caregivers in the areas of family support, early learning and care, parent education and information and referral. Our goal is to provide parents and caregivers with the knowledge, skills, resources and confidence necessary to meet the unique needs of their children and family.
Our programming is provided at our facility in Lloydminster, in many rural communities in the Midwest and even in family homes. We also host indoor playground sessions at our office, which provides a great opportunity for parents to connect and children to socialize.
Our Guiding Principles
We Believe:
- that all families are equal.
- that parents are a child’s most influential teacher.
- that families make their best decisions when equipped with information and the resources to carry through those decisions.
- in the power of families being connected to each other.
- in the empowerment of families we serve - the ability to define, analyze and act upon issues.
- that all families and children have potential.
- that children are children first.
- in the critical impact of being connected to one's community and experiencing a sense of belonging.
- in inclusion
“Inclusion, as a value, supports the right of all families and children, regardless of diverse circumstances or abilities, to participate actively in natural settings within their communities.”
~ adapted and sourced from the Council for Exceptional Children.